On December 21st, a workshop titled as ‘Choices Faced, Decisions Made: The Holocaust And Wartime Morality' was organized. The workshop was led  by Larysa Michalska, who works in the education department of the Galicia Jewish Museum.
In this workshop participants debated the choices faced by different individuals connected with the Holocaust, discussing the complicated issue of victims, perpetrators, and bystanders. First of all the participants were asked to write their feelings, thoughts and identifications on post its about perpetrator, victim and bystander. Michalska divided the participants into small groups and disseminated a biography of a person to each group. In small groups, the participants read and discussed the stories of people and their choices during the Holocaust and they tried to answer the questions for each biography.
Then the workshop leader showed pictures of real figures lived in the time of Holocaust after the small group of participants read the stories about those figures. Participants presented these biographies to the others and answered specific questions raised by the leader about the choices of that person and if he/she is a victim, perpetrator or a bystander.